Most of you would have heard about backtrack but its not the only one in the business.Weakerthan is another linux based pentesting distro which is really good..Weakerthan is my second favorite after backtrack
WeakNet Linux is designed primarily for penetration testing, forensic analysis and other security tasks. The default desktop environment is GNOME.
The tools i have selected are tools we use all the time here, as i said, If you find some that you want in it, please let me know. The image is about 1GB meaning; It will have to be on DVD, meaning; I can't host it here without risk of bandwidth dying! I need a place to upload it to. Some code written by WeakNet Labs Assistants from this site that are preinstalled:
WEAKERTHANv2 WeakNet Linux 5 - ISO ~684MB
WeakNet Linux Complete Administration Guide
WeakNet Linux is designed primarily for penetration testing, forensic analysis and other security tasks. The default desktop environment is GNOME.
The tools i have selected are tools we use all the time here, as i said, If you find some that you want in it, please let me know. The image is about 1GB meaning; It will have to be on DVD, meaning; I can't host it here without risk of bandwidth dying! I need a place to upload it to. Some code written by WeakNet Labs Assistants from this site that are preinstalled:
* Easy-SSHd
* Web-Hacking-Portal v2.0
* Perlwd
* Netgh0st v3.0
* YouTube-Thief!
* Netgh0st v2.2
* DomainScan
* ADtrace
* Admin-Tool
* Tartarus v0.1
* and much more..
really good GUI+vulnerable applications to test our hacking skills
my personal experience with weaknet was really good & its worth.
WEAKERTHANv2 WeakNet Linux 5 - ISO ~684MB
WeakNet Linux Complete Administration Guide
3Awesome Comments!
awesome.. I will also use linux in my lappy :))
yeah its really good linux
Although its armed but has poor driver support atleast when we are talking about Alienware/Dell laptops.